This is a blog for the community of Geography 170: "Geographies of Violence in the Age of Empire" in the Department of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley. This course explores a range of answers to the question: How might geographical thinking be used to critically explore new forms of violence and empire?

talks 2

Guantanamo Limbo
by Judith Butler
This article presents information on the various issues related to Prisoners of War (POW). According to the author the U.S. President George W. Bush Administration claimed that the Taliban detainees at the Guantánamo, Cuba do not merit POW status under the Geneva Conventions, which stipulate that POWs must belong to a "High Contracting Party" and have operated in the service of "regular armed forces" in a conventional war. But the U.S., understood as the "Detaining Power" under the conventions, is required to treat these prisoners as POWs until a "competent tribunal" is set up to decide the question.

The Nation
April 1, 2002 Issue
Accessed UCB or proxy.


An Interview
Judith Butler

Unexpected things:
Non-violence is compatible with murderous impulses
Sometimes doing nothing is more fruitful than doing something
Gender is not what you think it is
Neither is freedom
Even something universal differs from place to place

Interview appeared in the May 2003 Issue of Believer


Something in the Air
Peter Sloterdijk

German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk talks to Erik Morse about the 20th- and 21st-century phenomena of chemical warfare, designer ventilation and high-density urban living.

Article in frieze magazine
London, Dec. 2009


The Grasping Hand
The modern democratic state pillages its productive citizens. 

by Peter Sloterdijk
Article in CITY Journal - Winter 2010.
